Page 3: Blog Category: "DUI Articles"
Sep 20, 2016 | Criminal Defense, DUI Articles, Family Law Articles, Personal Injury
Lawyers can be a dime a dozen, which is why you need to look into hiring the best. How will you know if you have hired the best? Look at these three qualities….. HIGHER PRICES DO NOT ALWAYS GUARANTEE A GOOD LAWYER Contrary to what some thing, you don’t...
Page 3: Blog Category: "DUI Articles"
Sep 1, 2016 | Criminal Defense, DUI Articles, Family Law Articles, Personal Injury
There comes a time when every business needs to hire a lawyer. It doesn’t matter what the situation calls for, it’s just good to keep one on speed dial. Here is a small checklist to keep in mind during the hiring process. WHAT ARE YOUR NEEDS There are two...
Page 3: Blog Category: "DUI Articles"
Aug 20, 2016 | Criminal Defense, DUI Articles, Family Law Articles, Personal Injury
I have mentioned this previously. Your lawyer expects certain things from you too. It’s a two-way street here in Oklahoma. MAKE GOOD ON YOUR PROMISES Did you promise something early on? Did you make several promises to your lawyer during the process? You need to...
Page 3: Blog Category: "DUI Articles"
Aug 1, 2016 | Criminal Defense, DUI Articles, Family Law Articles, Personal Injury
This happens a great deal with cases. The one side thinks they can save money by going up against the opposition alone. The one side thinks that everything will be settled amicably. In some cases, it could be settled amicably. In most cases though, you need to be...
Page 3: Blog Category: "DUI Articles"
Jul 22, 2016 | Criminal Defense, DUI Articles, Family Law Articles, Personal Injury
Money talks, and bull crap walks. That is the way the old saying goes. Unfortunately, it’s very true and on point for many law firms. Negotiating a reasonable fee before the process begins can become challenging. This happens in cases where the lawyer throws a...
Page 3: Blog Category: "DUI Articles"
Jun 15, 2016 | Criminal Defense, DUI Articles, Family Law Articles, Personal Injury
In some ways this might be a loaded question. Why? Every person and situation is different. With each case, there comes different expectations. Some cases do not need all that much. Other cases require a great deal of time and attention. In keeping with this logic,...