Contact The Tulsa Criminal Lawyer You Need
Oklahoma Litigation Group is on a mission. We want to be the best legal counsel you have ever had. Working hard to make sure that your rights are protected and defended. You may have options you didn’t even know about. The ability to communicate with a Tulsa criminal lawyer is important. When you are going through a family or criminal matter, we understand the importance of transparency. Your time is our time, and we know you can’t wait. Send us a message and we will respond to you as soon as possible. Your calls and messages do not go unanswered and your email is not going to collect dust in an inbox. We have an extensive list of legal articles for you to review. Please check some of them out. All of your questions get answered to the best of our ability. With our Tulsa office conveniently located and easy to find, we are available when you need us. Put us to the test! The experts at the Oklahoma Litigation Group are here for you. Contact a Tulsa criminal lawyer at Oklahoma litigation group today and get the best defense available for your case. We have given representation to countless individuals and want to give you the personalized attention you need.
Contact My OKLG

Our Tulsa Office:
1705 S. Baltimore
Tulsa, Oklahoma 74119
Phone: 918-592-6554
Fax: 918-619-9635
Trevan V. Morrow
Charles M. Fox
L. Todd Nalagan