Page 1: Blog Category: "DUI Articles"
Mar 9, 2020 | Criminal Defense, DUI Articles
One of the problems with DUI checkpoints is that innocent people are harassed by police. Without probable cause, law enforcement treats everyone traveling a certain route with suspicion. For hours at a time, each person encountering the checkpoint is aggressively...
Page 1: Blog Category: "DUI Articles"
Feb 10, 2020 | DUI Articles
Disputing a DUI Blood Test In Oklahoma, law enforcement officers will typically give either a breath test or a blood test to a person suspected of driving under the influence. Of course, failing the test has serious consequences. But, if you failed a blood test for...
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Aug 25, 2019 | Criminal Defense, DUI Articles
DUI’s and Drivers Licenses A DUI charge is a serious offense, which often comes with serious personal, financial and legal ramifications. In particular, you may find yourself without a driver’s license. In Oklahoma your drivers license is automatically...
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Oct 15, 2018 | Bankruptcy, Criminal Defense, DUI Articles, Family Law Articles, Personal Injury
Attorney-client privelage is one of the most sacred tenets of our system of justice. It is the bedrock upon which a client’s right to counsel is based, and it is the means by which attorneys are able to provide the best possible advice during a legal case. Most...
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Mar 10, 2018 | DUI Articles
Legality of DUI Checkpoints At particular times throughout the year, police will set up DUI checkpoints around the city. These checkpoints generally happen around the holiday time, because people tend to drink a great deal more alcohol during the Christmas, July 4th...
Page 1: Blog Category: "DUI Articles"
Feb 9, 2017 | Criminal Defense, DUI Articles
Most people do not give serious thought to receiving a moving violation. Some may get a little angry, especially if they believe the received the ticket in error. However, many people pay the large fines and move on with their lives, not really realizing how much...