Page 4: Blog Category: "DUI Articles"
Apr 1, 2016 | Criminal Defense, DUI Articles, Family Law Articles, Personal Injury
Sometimes a settlement is not a bad thing. Sometimes it just means that both sides do not want things to go any farther then they have to. This is why hiring an experienced lawyer to help you manage things is good. An experienced lawyer can help determine if going to...
Page 4: Blog Category: "DUI Articles"
Mar 15, 2016 | Criminal Defense, DUI Articles, Family Law Articles, Personal Injury
THE FREE CONSULTATION: IT’S WORTH IT I don’t know of anyone who isn’t a fan of something free. This even includes having a free consultation. It’s not a bad idea to at least sit down and have one. This consultation offers so many benefits to...
Page 4: Blog Category: "DUI Articles"
Sep 10, 2015 | DUI Articles
Driving Under the Influence Explained What is Driving Under the Influence? Driving Under the Influence (DUI) is the most common criminal arrest in the United States. Sadly, many people who are arrested for DUI do not realize how serious of an offense this is...